Monday, March 30, 2009

alpha mc

© van ditthavong

Alpha MC finishes his set. We head into the back room, where the light is falling perfectly. "Oh, don't forget your CD," I said. He answers, "That's right."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


© van ditthavong

U-God of Wu-Tang Clan fame and a glass of wine.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


© van ditthavong

We packed the car up with gear and left Dallas - headed to Austin for some work down at South by Southwest. It's only been four days but feels like 4 months. It's great to always get away... but sometimes it's even better to get back. So after some intense shoots, the road back home tomorrow couldn't happen at a better time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

joining Q. ink

It was with great coincidence that I met Quitze Nelson, owner of Q. ink (thank you Selina!). At this point in my career I wasn't necessarily looking for representation. However, after meeting with Quitze several times discussing photography, personal mantras and philosophies - our vision and goals seem to match... both personally and professionally. And that was important to me. Not only is she an extremely wonderful person, we were on the same page as far as business objectives were concerned. So I have joined Q. ink and look forward to a beautiful relationship filled with growth, great challenges, and fun.

For those of you looking for a rep as well, Nick Onken was a great post about this in his Shoptalk blog. Do check it out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ken downing, director of fashion/neiman marcus

Ken walks in with a confident and pleasant air about him. We talk about the Grammys and about "Milk." He shifts positions each time he hears my shutter click. I fire off about 20 frames and then say "Thank you for your time"... and just like how he entered, he exits elegantly while shutting the door like a true gentleman. Here is an outtake:

© van ditthavong

Saturday, March 7, 2009

the yellow plane

© van ditthavong

You can hear the engine roar. Thankfully it was getting closer and closer... making a mundane sky a little more interesting. But more importantly making the image a little more interesting. Like an ice cube is to a glass of whiskey - this yellow plane is just what the image needed to "knock the edge off."

Monday, March 2, 2009


© van ditthavong

I like doors. I've been staring at this one for over a year now - not knowing how I would use it. Then Trevor came in one day to take my portrait... and I took his.