Monday, August 24, 2009

hey?! that's my cab! is back

Yes the old blog (HEY?! THAT'S MY CAB!) or is making a return and RUNVANRUN will be replaced. Why the change... AGAIN?

Good question....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

developing an idea

If it feels stupid, it's stupid.

If you're half way through, finish up.

Research. Research. Research.

This is what I've been telling myself lately... but then again ideas are just the beginning.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

finishing summer

OK, the last day of summer is Sept. 22, but it seems like it's closing in faster and faster... back to school sales are about to end, football season is around the corner, grillin' burgers and dogs have taken a major nose dive since July 4th...

So how do I plan on finishing off summer and staying sharp creatively?

dropping the camera to DAYDREAM...

yep that's me - a new sheriff in town

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

sequoia national park

© van ditthavong

August days in Texas can be brutal. I found myself escaping the 100 degree days by camping in the Sequoia National Park for 3 days. Yes there was a bear sighting, yes one of my friends got stung by bees, and yes we made s'mores. Ahhh, life in the wilderness...